Quick Time Table Setter:
This is a simple application which is used to generate time table for schools and colleges.
Click here to download complete source code
Click here to download complete source code
1. Log in: Here initially you have to log in directly to this application with any user name and password for first time then the same credentials will store in data base. From the second log in onward you need to use the first time log in credentials. In the first log in all the related tabled created in database.
2. Home: After successful log in it will display home page. Here you have some other links. related to the application. Initially you have to add all the information before going to time table generation.

2.1 Add Info: Here you have to enter complete information about the organization.
2.1.1 Class: Here you have to enter all the classes information the school/college.

2.1.2 Teacher: Here you have to enter all the teachers information who are working in organization.

2.1.3 Subjects: Here you have to enter all the subjects information according to the class wise.

2.1.4 Teacher->Subject: Here you have to assign subject to teacher.

2.2. Time Table: Here you can generate time table and view the time table.

2.2.1 Generate: Here you can generate time table automatically.

2.2.2 View Time Table Class Wise: Select class and view time table as class wise and you can print the table here.

2.2.3 Complete Time Table: Here you can view complete time table of all classes and you can do adjustments in the time table here.

Please send me your application @ anikralhan2011@gmail.com.